Dr. Anu Shree1, Dr. Narayan Pai B2, Dr. Jithesh Chowta3

1PG Scholar, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri.

2Associate Professor, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri.

3Assistant Professor, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri.


Teeth Eruption is a unique developmental process in human. During this period (at 8th month of age) there is high incidence of certain diseases in children like Diarrhoea. Modern dentistry doesn’t relate these Dantodbhedajanya Vyadhis with dental eruption but in Ayurveda, Acharyas mentioned that eruption of teeth is cause for those diseases.

Here, Dantodbhedajanya Atisara occurs due to digestive disturbance or infection. As the symptom will generally subside on their own but physician should notify if they worsen or persistent. In such condition Balachaturbhadra Churna with honey is to be used which is very popular and beneficial compound formulation in Paediatric usage.

So this is an effort to explain the mode of action of Balachaturbhadra Churna in Dantodbhedajanya Atisara and an attempt is made to compile various literatures for better understanding.

Keywords: Eruption, Diarrhoea, Dantodbhedajanya Atisara, Balachaturbhadra Churna.


Teeth eruption is a unique developmental process in human occurs at eighth month of life. During this period there is high incidence of certain diseases in children like Diarrhea. Modern dentistry doesn’t relate this disease with dental eruption but in Ayurveda Acharyas mentioned that eruption of teeth is cause for the diseases as because of imbalanced Dhatus 1 during dentition. Atisara is mainly caused due to Jatharagni Mandya and different types of Atisara takes place due to predominance of Dosha.This Atisara can be correlated with Diarrhea based on the patho-physiology and treatment aspect of contemporary science.


To assess the probable mode of action of Balachaturbhadra Churna in Dantodbhedajanya Atisara and also to compile various literatures for better understanding.



Aniyatagni, Anashana, Microbial infections, Low immune status of the child etc. are the cause for the Dantodbhedjanya Vyadhis like Atisara.


Due to nidana sevana Vata dosha gets aggravated and localized in the roots of the teeth, is accompanied by Kapha localized in the bone and marrow tissues, moves in all places along with pitta, these vitiate the jatharagni (mandya) which leads to dravata of pureesha in pakwashaya and results into Atisara.2

Balachaturbhadra Churna

The term Churna may be applied to the powder of single or a mixture of two or more drugs which are powdered separately prior to their being mixed to homogeneity. All texts had mentioned the same four ingredients for Balachaturbhadra Churna i.e. Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Pippali (Piper longum), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum) and Karkatshringi  (Pistacia integerrima) given in the management of various pediatric diseases like Atisara (Diarrhea). Its dosagemay vary according to age, health condition and body weight of the patient.3 Yogaratnakara mentioned 8 Ratti i.e.1gm and Kashyapa mentioned Agraparvanguli i.e.1 Pinch for churna.  Churna are usually administered with equal quantity of Ghrita, Madhu or Taila.4 So here by considering the palatability and action, Balachaturbhadra Churna can be given with Madhu.5Also it has been givenbefore food as it destroys the Dosha present in Amashaya as well as doesn’t cause Balakshaya .6


The Observations made from the review .Classical reference of Balachaturbhadra Churna is mentioned for the first time in the text Chakradutta (64/22) and has been in practice since a millennium. Drugs mentioned in Balachaturbhadra churna have predominantly Katu Tikta Rasa, Laghu Ruksha Guna, Ushna Virya, Katu Vipaka and Tridosha shamaka properties shown in Table below.

Table: Showing properties of Balachaturbhadra Churna ingredients.7

MustaKatu Tikta KashayaLaghu Ruksha  Sheeta  KatuKapha pitta shamaka  
PippaliKatu Tikta MadhuraLaghu Tikshna  Anushna  MadhuraVata kapha shamaka  
AtivishaKatu TiktaLaghu Ruksha  Ushna  KatuTridoshaka shamaka  
KarkatshringiKashaya TiktaLaghu Ruksha  Ushna  KatuKapha pitta shamaka  


 Vagbhata says that in disorders of dentition needs no special treatment because it is a physiological phenomenon after which the symptom disappears. But this period (8th month of age) hampers the growth and development of child.

This formulation is in churna form i.e. smaller particle size, produces more rapid dissolution in the body fluids which increases the blood concentration in a shorter time, thereby the action is produced in lesser time.

Balachaturbhadra Churna has Katu Rasa and Ushna Virya (Pitta vardhana property) which in turn increases Jataragni and reduces the Srotobandhatva, Tikta Rasa which enhance the taste buds where Aruchi is one of the symptom in Agnimandya and does Shoshana of Shakrit, Laghu Ruksha Guna helps in easy digestion of Ahara,  Katu Vipaka having Baddhavidmutra property which helps in formation of stools. Also it has Grahi property through which it helps in absorbing the excessive moisture content of intestinal mucosa and restores the natural consistency of the stool. In addition, because of Deepana Pachana property it increases Jataragni and also kills the microbes responsible for Diarrhea. Therefore we should adopt Balachaturbhadra Churna in Dantodbhedajanya Atisara.


Atisara is most common disease among children which is faced in Pediatric practice. It is a Vata predominant disorder with increased frequency of watery stool. The onset of Diarrhea is usually acute and prognosis is good if treated properly. Balachaturbhadra Churna is very effective in Dantodbhedajanya Atisara and also it is prescribed by Kaumarbhritya practitioners of Ayurveda.


  1. Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata translated by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chaukhambha orientalia Varanasi, Reprint year: 2012, Uttarasthana, chapter-2, shloka no.20, Page no-21.
  2. Sushrutha, Sushrutha Samhita edited with Ayurveda-tattva-sandipika hindi commentary by Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Edition: Reprint 2015, Published by Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi. Uttaratantra Chapter 40 Shloka 6, Page no-273.
  3. Vrddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddhajivakiya tantra Revised by Vatsya, edited by Prof. PV Tewari, translation &commentary by Prof. PV Tewari with Dr.Neeraj Kumar; Dr. RD Sharma & Dr, Abhimanyu Kumar, published by Chaukhambha Visvabharati publishers, Edition:Reprint 2016, Khila sthana chapter 3, SL 118, Page no.467.
  4. Sarangadhara, Sarangadhar-Samhita annoted with Dipika hindi commentary by Dr.Brahmanand Tripathi, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan Varanasi, Reprint year  2010. Madhyama Khanda, Chapter 6, SL 03.Page no-172.
  5. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopia of India by Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of AYUSH New Delhi, published by The controllers of publications civil lines Delhi, First Edition, Part-1, Volume 6, Chapter 100, Page no.214-215.
  1. Vrddha Jivaka, Kashyapa Samhita or Vrddhajivakiya tantra Revised by Vatsya, edited by Prof. PV Tewari, translation &commentary by Prof. PV Tewari with Dr.Neeraj Kumar; Dr. RD Sharma & Dr, Abhimanyu Kumar, published by Chaukhambha Visvabharati publishers, Edition:Reprint 2016, Khila sthana chapter 3, SL 44-46, Page no.456.
  2. Sri Bhavamisra, Bhavaprakasa Nighantu, commentary by Prof.K.C.Chunekar edited by Late Dr.G.S.Pandey, published by Chaukambha Bharati Academy, Varanassi, Reprint year-2010. SL 204-205.P-389, SL 57.P-15, SL 93.P-232,SL 114.P-383.

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